Christ is Risen!
With the loosening of restrictions from both New York and New Jersey, Archbishop Michael has issued new directives for our parishes. For details, please click onto or copy and paste this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2021/guidelines/Diocesan-Guidelines-Continuing-Reopening-2021-05-26-for-distribution.pdf.
Please note that this statement was issued before the New Jersey State directives given earlier this week. I will keep you posted if Archbishop Michael puts out another statement in response.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Metropolitan Tikhon has posted on the archdiocesan website (oca.org) a beautiful message about this year's Thanksgiving celebration during the pandemic. Please click onto this link to read it:

I am happy to tell you that the result from the Covid-19 test that I had to take on Monday was NEGATIVE. This is a big relief and I will be back on Sunday to serve Divine Liturgy.
Yours, in Christ,
Father Terence Baz

Those who attended Divine Liturgy yesterday would have seen that I did not do the Liturgy but asked Fr. Sameul Kedala to step in for me. The reason was that last Tuesday, I went to a doctor's office for a checkup. I got a call on late Thursday that someone in that office tested positive for the Coronavirus and I was asked to self-isolate until tested. I feel confident that the virus has not returned to me but it is better to be safe than sorry. I was tested this morning & await the result. I will not go into the church until I am told I am negative. You can still contact me by phone or email if necessary.
These are difficult times as you know. No one in our parish has contracted the virus by attending Divine Liturgy and we want to keep it that way. So, I ask you for your patience.
Yours, in Christ
Father Terence Baz

Dear friends, Christ is in our midst!
I am happy to announce that Archbishop Michael has given his blessing for us to hold Sunday Divine Liturgy with up to 30 persons. This is not a full opening of the church, however, If you wish to attend, you must do so by invitation. Please contact me if you are interested.
Yours, in Chirst,
Fr. Terence Baz, rector.

For those who wish to upload the Typica Service for Ascension Thursday, please click onto the following link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE---ASCENSION.pdf

For those who wish to upload Vespers for Saturday evening, May 23rd, please click onto the following link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-VESPERS-SATURDAY-MAY-23-2020-6th--Sunday-of-Pascha---Blind-Man.pdf

For those who wish to upload the Typica Service for Sunday, May 24th, please click onto the following link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-SUNDAY-MAY-24-2020-6th-Sunday-of-Pascha---Blind-Man.pdf

To upload today's Typica Service to celelbrate the mid-Paschal Season, please click onto the following link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-MIDFEAST-OF-PENTECOST-Wednesday-May-13-2020.pdf

Please click onto this link to read the recent Pastoral Letter given by the Holy Synod regarding the Coronavirus: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/holy-synod-issues-pastoral-letter-and-directives

To download the Vespers Service for the 4th Sunday of Pascha, which is celebrated Saturday evening May 9th., please download this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-VESPERS-SATURDAY-MAY-9-2020-4th-Sunday-of-Pascha---Paralytic.pdf

To download the Typica Service for the 4th Sunday of Pascha, Sunday morning May 10th., please download this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SUNDAY-MAY-10-2020-4th-Sunday-of-Holy-Pascha---Paralytic.pdf

Please click onto this link to upload this evening's Vespers Service for the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women, the 3rd Sunday of Pascha: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-VESPERS-SATURDAY-MAY-2-2020.pdf

Please click onto the following link to use tomorrow's Typica Service for the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing, May 3rd, 2020: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-SUNDAY-MAY-3-2020.pdf

I urge everyone to use this morning's Typica Service to pray for Sunday. The link is: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-SUNDAY-APRIL-26-2020-St-Thomas-Sunday.pdf
To be able to read today's Scripture readings please go to this link: https://www.oca.org/readings

To download this evening's Great Vesper's Service for St. Thomas Sunday, please click onto the following link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-VESPERS-SATURDAY-APRIL-25-2020-ST-THOMAS-SUNDAY.pdf

For the Vesper's Service for Holy Saturday afternoon, please click onto the following link: https://www.oca.org/files/PDF/Music/Reader/holysat-vespers-reader.pdf

For those who would like to see Holy Thursday evening's Reader Service, please click onto the following link: https://www.oca.org/files/PDF/Music/Reader/holy-fri-matins-reader.pdf

Please click onto the following link to listen to Archbishop Michael's advice about making the best use of the online Streaming Services being offered by various Orthodox parishes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHMChwWKGr0&feature=emb_title

If you would like to see what services are being live streamed via the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, please click onto this link for more information: https://nynjoca.org/livestream

The OCA website is offering live streaming for the Holy Week services if you would like to make use of them. Please click onto this link to see the details: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/the-media-office-of-the-orthodox-church-in-america-announces-live-stream-schedule-for-palm-sunday-holy-week-and-pascha

If you would like to download this evening's Bridegroom Service to pray at home, please click onto this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-BRIDEGROOM-MATINS-FOR-HOLY-WEDNESDAY-Tuesday-Night-2020.pdf

For Monday Evening's Bridegroom Service, please click onto or, copy & paste this link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Ac38e491f-f5ee-43c5-be0a-3765c569d896

For today's Typica Service for Palm Sunday, please click onto this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-PALM-SUNDAY-2020-04-111.pdf
For this evening's Bridegroom Service for Holy Week, please click onto this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-BRIDEGROOM-MATINS-SUNDAY-NIGHT-2020-04-12.pdf

READER: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, risen from the dead, have mercy on us and save us.
CHOIR: Amen. [Sing the Paschal Troparion]
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life! (Thrice.)
READER: O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who art the Bread of Life and the Giver of all good things, as Thou didst receive and sanctify the ram which the faithful Abraham brought to Thee, and the lamb which Abel offered to Thee as a whole-offering; likewise, also, the fatted calf which Thou didst command to be slain for Thy prodigal son when he returned to Thee: that, as he was counted worthy to delight in Thy good things, so may we also delight in these foods that are sanctified and blessed by Thee for the nourishment of us all. Bless this Paschal bread, these fleshmeats, this cheese, these eggs, and all these other foods, and preserve us in Thy goodness, that, as we partake of them, we may be filled with Thy gifts, ungrudgingly bestowed, and with Thine ineffable goodness.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, risen from the dead, have mercy on us and save us.
CHOIR: Amen.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life! (Thrice.)

Please click on this link to access resources & suggestions of how to pray during Holy Week: https://nynjoca.org/news_200409_1

Please click onto this link to read the diocesan guidelines & directives put out by Archbishop Michael about the Coronavirus: https://nynjoca.org/news_200410_1

Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Christ is in our midst!
I hope you are all taking the proper precautions to keep safe during this dangerous time of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Each day, we read the alarming details about its spread and the toll it has taken on so many.
Earlier this week, the hierarchs of the OCA held a digital Synod in response to the virus. If you click on the link: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/holy-synod-metropolitan-council-issue-coronavius-statements, you can read the messages and pastoral guidelines that it put out regarding Holy Week and related services. Sadly, I have to say that the doors must remain closed during this sacred time. Further, any priest who wishes to do any of the services must be in good health, with no pre-existing conditions and under 65 years old. He can only serve them with his wife. Nor can a priest serve from his home. If he is older than 65 and in good health, he can seek permission from his hierarch to serve in his church.
On a personal note, I must relate that on Thursday, March 26th, Matushka and I became very ill from a bug that we had picked up. That afternoon, we were tested for Covid-19 by a local doctor and although we have not got the results back, he said we displayed most of its classic symptoms and were likely to have been infected by it. We are not sure how we picked it up. The first few days were very difficult for both of us but by the following Sunday, we had improved a lot. Neither of us have respiratory issues. The doctor advised me not to go into the church and so, I have not been there since. Archbishop Michael is aware of my condition.
If anyone becomes sick and needs to see a priest, I will arrange for a neighboring priest to see you.
Please know that all of you are in my prayers. I pray the reader services from the rectory and, as I have said before, use the diocesan website (https://nynjoca.org/) to find prayer services such as: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/covid-19/covid-19-prayer-service.pdf, a prayer for protection against the Coronavirus. This afternoon, a link to a prayer service will be made available for you to join in to, from Mt. Athos @ 3:00. Please make use of these resources.
Some of our neighboring parishes are streaming their services online. Please check their websites to see if they do and what time.
I ask you to keep Matushka and me in your prayers as we recover from this ordeal.
Yours, in Christ,
Archpriest Terence Baz April 3rd, 2020
PS: Matushka & I are feeling much better than we were last week. Thank you for your prayers!

Dear Parishioners & Friends:
Christ is in our midst!
Yesterday, the OCA Synod of Bishops met via conference call to discuss the ongoing crisis. Here is the link to the statement that Metropolitan Tikhon put out yesterday: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/holy-synod-meets-in-special-session. More statements will be made soon.
Please know that you are in my prayers at this difficult time.
Yours, in Christ
Fr. Terence Baz

Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Christ is in our midst!
You have all been hearing about the perilous time we are currently in concerning the Coronavirus.
After consultation with the OCA Diocese of New York & New Jersey, I have decided to take the drastic step to close the doors of the church for the weekend. Further, given that it is being predicted by authorities that the crisis will worsen, they will remain closed until it eases.
This is being done to minimize the risk of contamination to our parish members, especially for the elderly and medically susceptible. There will also be NO Coffee Hour.
On Sunday morning, if I have someone to assist me, I will do the Divine Liturgy with that person, in order to pray for our parish members. If I have no one to assist me, I will do an Orthros Service instead, for the same purpose.
One further note: our parish family over the decades have worked very hard and given very generously to this parish in order to keep it in the beautiful state that we have it. Please keep up this spirit of giving by continuing your contributions either by the use of your envelopes or by PayPal.
Please know that you are in my prayers at this very difficult time.
Yours, in Christ,
Archpriest Terence Baz
Parish Priest. March 18, 2020

Please check every day the websites: https://www.oca.org/ & https://nynjoca.org/ to read any updates about cancellations or restrictions that may happen this week because of the current virus crisis.
On the front page of our diocesan website, you will see a link to sites that have live streaming of Church services, if you feel that you would be at risk by attending them on the weekend. Also, two Reader Services are featured on the front page & can be downloaded online to use during the week.
The Presanctified Liturgy scheduled for this Wednesday at Holy Assumption in Clifton will still be held.
Please go to oca.org to read the statement from the OCA Archdiocesan website about the Coronavirus crisis.

Today, the Archdiocesan headquarters in Syosset released a statement giving instructions to parishes about how to respond to the Coronavirus. Please click on this link: https://www.oca.org/cdn/PDFs/synod/2020-0313-synod-statement-covid19.pdf to read it. I will put it in Sunday's bulletin.
Please note that the instructions say that for those serving at Coffee Hour, to use gloves; people should not give the traditional Trinitarian kiss to greet each other; and do not shake hands.
Fr. Terence Baz, parish priest
Holy assumption Church, Clifton NJ

There is understandably much discussion & concern about the current Coronavirus. The Holy Synod of the OCA is meeting today to discuss measures that we may need to take in response to it. Please click onto the following link to read what the OCA website has to say about it: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/holy-synod-meets-to-discuss-coronavirus-outbreak
Fr. Terence Baz

The Diocese of NY & NJ has posted a Typica Service to be used at home today for Palm Sunday. Please click onto this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/TYPIKA-SERVICE-PALM-SUNDAY-2020-04-111.pdf
For this evening's Holy Week Bridegroom Service, please click onto this link: https://nynjoca.org/files/2020/praying-at-home/READER-BRIDEGROOM-MATINS-SUNDAY-NIGHT-2020-04-12.pdf